We have PR, media, political experts, community builders, creatives, lobbyists, inventors, eventors, content creators, artificial intelligence masters and people with hidden talents we haven’t even discovered. And they’re all part of a multifaceted, driven, unique, enthusiastic movement to do what other agencies can’t.

R&R leadership - culture

Michon Martin


A sleek race car with unrelenting overdrive, a supersonic jet without limits, a high-powered machine with no off switch—Michon’s entire existence is perpetual forward motion. From prosecuting sex offenders in San Francisco to becoming the governor’s top adviser, helping craft Nevada’s same-sex marriage laws, and orchestrating F1’s arrival in Vegas, her career is a master class in breaking barriers. She didn’t just become president of an ad agency; she now leads it as CEO, steering the helm with bold vision and unshakable resolve. Fierce advocate, passionate defender, unbridled dreamer—Michon is a force of nature, the spark that ignites everyone around her.

Her opening line to the team each morning? “Look out, y’all … I’m on fire!” And her answer to any challenge, no matter how audacious? “Of course we can do it!” Under her leadership, R&R doesn’t just move forward—it flies.

Billy Vassiliadis


Every CEO’s first call; Brand Marketer of the Year recipient; presidential campaign adviser; and die-hard Chicago Cubs, Bears, Hawks and Bulls fan. Eclectic consumer of news, music and entertainment. Listens to Usher and Bocelli. Watches crime thrillers, World War II movies and, of course, all sports. It’s good to be adult ADHD! Spontaneously creative and strategic, with the attention span of a 9-year-old. Loves research … the executive summary, strategic plans … in bullet points, and prefers one-pagers to essays. If you want a quick bottom line, call him!

Pete Ernaut

Pete Ernaut


A stand-up comic in LA’s top clubs to pay his way through school, and an aspiring actor who gets himself elected to the Nevada Legislature. Then becomes the youngest assembly floor leader, chosen by his peers. Becomes an expert in energy, and conceptualized the law banning coal in Nevada. Not enough? He’s a sought-after strategist and one of the premier lobbyists in the country. He’s a category expert in energy, infrastructure development and health care. Oh, and he’s been an adviser to presidential campaigns. Btw … he really is funny.

Amberlee Engle

Amberlee Engle


Listen closely! She’s soft-spoken, but her words are powerful. As R&R’s leader of client servicing, she turned the word Partners in our name from a noun to a verb. While our major airline client was being torched on 60 Minutes, and the team was in damage control mode, she was focused beyond the moment. The very next week, our client broke its all-time record for single-day and single-week bookings. She was a key leader in bringing the Las Vegas Raiders, and soon to be Las Vegas A’s, to the city. And she led all the branding efforts igniting Puerto Rico’s miraculous comeback from hurricanes and COVID-19. So, whatever you do … Listen!

Michelle Mader

Michelle Mader


A jack-of-all-trades and a master of all. When determining the right seat on the bus, she just started driving the bus. An entire agency skill set rolled up into one very determined leader. She has overseen critical projects like the launch of the Las Vegas Raiders and the inaugural F1 race on the Vegas Strip. She can scope, launch and manage any client. Her work ethic is as unparalleled as her talents are diverse. The old lament that there aren’t enough hours in a day – for Michelle, there aren’t enough days in an hour. While leading agency operations, she spearheaded an effort to support women and people of color-owned businesses that work with R&R. The result? We were awarded the Rising Star Corporate Award and the Trailblazer of the Year Award by the Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council. If that’s not enough, she can take on the room, drinking tequila shots in a Mexican cantina. Yes, there are witnesses. For much of the spring, she flies to the East Coast every weekend to watch her playoff-caliber daughter’s college softball team. But woe to the airline that doesn’t have Wi-Fi so she can work.

Matt mason illustration

Matt Mason


Strategic, focused and calm. Loves the serenity of camping and surfing on the Pacific Coast. This hyperactive team’s human stabilizer. The serene exterior belies a fierce competitor and an inspired entrepreneur. He co-founded a digital company cited by Fast Company as one of the fastest growing in the U.S. After joining R&R, Matt created V, a virtual, mixed and augmented reality shop that has secured top-tier relationships with Meta, Snapchat and TikTok, leading to work for Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Starbucks and the NFL. But, he did it all … calmly.

Chuck Monn illustration

Chuck Monn


Do not call Chuck and ask for an ad. Do call him if you need a problem solved or want to lean into an opportunity. Chuck convenes R&R’s best minds, from a crazy variety of backgrounds and asks, “What are we trying to solve here?” Whether it’s social, marcom, video or lobbying government, it will be smart and creative … and it will work. If the solution is advertising – no problem. Chuck worked for Lee Clow on famous work ranging from the International Olympic Committee to PlayStation. He moved on to Media Arts Lab, where he led global creative efforts for Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac. Awards? A few. Mac vs. PC, Adweek’s campaign of the decade; Cannes Grand Prix; One Shows … about 50 international creative awards. But, whatever you do – DO NOT call him and ask for an ad.

Richard Oldfield

Richard Oldfield


We were smitten with Richard immediately … he’s British, therefore sounds smart. And, of course, he is smart. He led Connections Planning for Wieden+Kennedy in Amsterdam, developing strategies for brands such as Heineken, Nike, EA Sports and Jumped across the pond joining Media Arts Lab as group strategy director. His collaborative and inclusive brand strategy approach led to remarkable work for the iPhone, Mac, iPad and the Apple TV launch. He not only has tremendous insight into cultural trends, consumer behavior and emotional connectivity, but he also distills it all into actionable plans. And, it sounds brilliant when he presents it because … he’s British.

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Fletcher Whitwell


He really cares, just about everything and everybody … nonstop. Whether it’s traveling across the country to assuage a client’s concerns, going across town to help plan a fundraising effort for a charity, as our R&R Foundation board chair, or standing in blistering heat and wind to coach a Little League game … he’s there. From Starcom in Chicago to R&R in Vegas, Fletcher is a multiple award-winning media strategist, brand partnership builder and optimizer. He’s worked on brands ranging from Miller to Brand USA and, of course, Las Vegas. He builds extremely deep and valuable relationships with media outlets, platforms and channels for the agency, and most importantly for the clients. In fact, R&R was invited by Google, Meta, X, Pinterest and Pandora to engage in over 200 alpha and beta tests. How does he maintain the intensity to develop global integrated media strategy, launch an anti-bullying campaign and drive two kids to multiple after-school activities? Simple – he doesn’t sleep. Because he cares.

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Mya Kelly


Empathetic, energetic, assertive, enthusiastic, powerful, Zen-like, inclusive, fierce, passionate, judicious, confident, reserved, hip, inquisitive, maternal, irreverent, determined, open-minded, sensitive, determined, resolute, emphatic, understated, contemporary, nostalgic, focused, absorbing, discipline, innovative, sensitive, tolerant, strict, flexible, empowering, understanding, aspirational, realistic.

Just a sample of the characteristics of the person R&R would trust to take care of our people.

She can relate, accommodate, comfort and connect with the strange, diverse and assorted minds in her charge.

Trust us, Mya has the professional bona fides, but most importantly, she gets us!

Diego Velásquez


“I’ve been Diego’d” … words commonly uttered by his colleagues, clients and partners. To be Diego’d is to be impressed, charmed, sold, moved, excited, enthused, informed and maybe a bit hungover. To be Diego’d is to be enrapt in his passion for advertising. From Saatchi & Saatchi to BBDO, and ultimately to his own agency, CMV, Diego has spent his life solving business problems or growing markets through advertising. Since joining forces over 10 years ago, he has forged deep bonds between our U.S.-based R&R team and the incredible talents of CMV in Mexico and throughout Latin America, to the great benefit of clients in the Americas and around the world. He stays on top of all consumer and societal global trends, from fashion to worldwide sports. He’s also a rabid member of Las Vegas Raider Nation, an avid film enthusiast, a rock-music lover and a connoisseur of tequila. A day with Diego is informative, fulfilling and beneficial for colleagues and clients alike. But, at the very moment you hear him charmingly ask the server for a tequila with a Diet Coke back … well … you are about to be Diego’d!

Nelson Araujo


“I’m a people person.” Not the most original answer to the question, Why do you want to be in our business?

But Nelson actually is! He has an uncanny ability to connect an incredibly broad spectrum of people to a brand, a cause or an initiative. He builds, develops and grows communities in a common purpose and common interest. As a former state legislator, he created coalitions to pass laws. As a former chief of staff for a U.S. senator, Nelson managed constituencies from across the cultural, demographic and political spectrum. For R&R, he’s rallying diverse organizations to support the development of a new large-scale studio in Las Vegas, and building a communitywide coalition to welcome another major league sports team to Southern Nevada.

In this era of remote work, virtual reality and artificial everything, connecting humans is the difference maker.

Lucky for us, and our clients … Nelson is a people person.

Justin Gilbert


Poking around in people’s minds pleases Justin. A lot. And this soothsayer has an uncanny record of predicting the future for our clients’ success. With his own mind tuned to analytics, strategic planning and research, Justin forecasts trends in travel, tourism and hospitality, ensuring we’re always ahead of the curve. Before bringing his prophetic insights to R&R Partners, Justin honed his skills in the turbulent world of political campaigns. His foresight guided three election cycles to victory, including Barack Obama’s pivotal 2008 and 2012 presidential wins, and Senator Harry Reid’s legendary 2010 reelection. Now, Justin gazes into the future for our clients, guiding their strategic planning with a vision that’s as clear as it is accurate. From the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority to Anheuser-Busch, Norwegian Cruise Line and the Las Vegas Raiders, his predictions have been eerily on the money. So, we let him poke.

Matt Matzen


Matt is dope, his most uttered accolade. You’d think someone of his background, managing director at OMD; responsible for $350 million in ad spend; or leading accounts like Hilton, Oakley and Activision, would be more of a traditional account guy. Or the leader of the lucrative and highly awarded Taco Bell account, and successfully leading the Pandora Music and Mattel pitches would be a “suit.” Instead, underneath his always slightly and ever present baseball cap, lies the brain of an atypical thinker and innovator. It takes an unconventional mind to propose that Las Vegas sponsor the entire WNBA Aces team. A city supporting these woefully underpaid athletes? In just one weekend, there were 2.4 billion impressions and a favorable response through the roof. Yup, it was dope.

Catherine Cole


A human guard rail, an ultimate realist, yes, even a contrarian. Favorite question begins with “Did you consider?” That’s why she’s a master in crisis communication and reputation management. Catherine’s commitment to accuracy and verifiable truth ensures that a brand can contain damage and rebuild trust. Her objective professional approach is matched by her compassion and empathy, a balance that is required when protecting a business. She has been in the eye of many storms, leading real-time communication in the immediate aftermath of the 1 October mass shootings in Vegas. Managed COVID-19 outreach before and after, including shutdowns, testing, masking, vaxxing and reopening. She uses her incredible skill set across the brand development spectrum, from special events like Formula 1, to grand openings and new product introductions and brand launches.

The current crisis she can’t solve is very personal. As part Argentinian and a huge soccer fan, she’s struggling to figure out Messi’s retirement.

Kat Urban


Explorer. Discoverer. Wait!! You’ve heard these platitudes before. DO NOT stop reading! You HAVE NOT heard this story before. Kat, unaware, was whisked off by her parents from war torn Slovakia to Australia, by a family committed to a safe and better life for their children. First, to a refugee camp, then compelled to understand a new language, culture and, yes, life! And, she did.

Fascinated by the world of imagination and innovation, she sought the world of creativity in advertising. But, Kat, the daughter of an engineer, found herself in an industry of dreamers in conflict, with a world of realists. So … she decided to be the bridge.

Again, migrating, this time to the USA, she sought and found the opportunity to translate very ethereal ideas to very imaginative execution.

Only the heart of a creative and the mind of an engineer can become an award-winning producer. And, even now she explores and discovers. Yes, the platitudes do continue. Kat, her husband and dog seek untraveled paths and new wonders.

Arnie DiGeorge


A throwback and a futurist. Nostalgic and cutting edge. An expert in history and pop culture. A collector of shoes (hundreds), wine, books and memorabilia (junk). Brilliant creative writer, from slapstick to heart-tugging, tear-jerking prose. He has an innate ability to find, as he calls it, “the thing.” This enigmatic bundle led the legendary Las Vegas “What happens here, stays here.” brand creative. He wrote many of the award-winning executions and stayed true to the essence of “adult freedom.” He’s created for athletes such as Andre Agassi, and entertainers like Carrie Underwood. Call him for recommendations for the best new documentary; a new restaurant review; shoe trends; a moderately priced, but robust Cab; or better yet, if you’re looking for “the thing” for your brand.